Guest speakers include Michele Ceccarelli, Ph.D. and Giorgio Ventre, Ph.D. Dr. Ceccarelli will address “Artificial Intelligence and big data in cancer and precision oncology: using data to understand the molecular basis of cancer”. Dr. Ventre will discuss “Can we leave AI just to Geeks?”. The conference will culminate in the presentation of the 2018 Giovan Giacomo Giordano NIAF Lifetime Achievement Award for Ethics and Creativity in Medical Research by Mr. Giovan Giacomo Giordano Jr. , designed by artist Lello EspositoEsposito. This award was established seven years ago in honor of Dr. Giordano’s father, the late Professor Giovan Giacomo Giordano, renowned pathologist and former chair of the Department of Pathology, Second University of Naples, who dedicated more than sixty years of his life to the study of cancer and the role of environmental factors in the onset of this disease. Professor Giovan Giacomo Giordano was also a major advocate against corruption in the Italian medical community and driving force for the establishment of medical ethical standards among his colleagues. The award will be presented to Dr. Ceccarelli and Dr. Ventre for their years of dedication and service.